How to Conduct an Online Board Meeting

A board meeting that is online is an excellent way for your organization to hold productive meetings without the physical constraints of an in-person gathering. With an online tool for board meetings, you can save time and money by avoiding costs for travel and manual procedures such as recording attendance and taking minutes. It can also help increase the number of members on your board by including those who aren’t able to be in person.

Starting an online board meeting is relatively easy, though you’ll have to provide each participant with the required link prior to the meeting. It is also helpful to send an initial link to the meeting participants prior to the first meeting, to make sure all equipment is working properly.

A clear agenda is vital for a successful virtual board meeting. Be sure to include ‘any other business’ item in case there are any issues that are not addressed in the rest of the meeting. This helps keep your agenda moving in the right direction and increase productivity.

Make sure that you plan every discussion topic with a time limit as well as the desired outcome for each. This will give board members a sense of order and help you to move through the meeting quickly.

If you provide all your attendees with copies of the agenda and relevant documents in advance will allow them to come prepared to share their opinions. Video conferencing is an excellent tool to use in board meetings. It will increase engagement and give participants the chance to view each other’s body and speech.

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