Tips for the Organization of an Online Board Meeting

The preparation of an online board meeting is essential to successful meetings, a strong engagement of the board, and the quality of the minutes of meetings. These suggestions can help you plan your next virtual board meeting and create the conditions to ensure a productive and efficient session:

Create an agenda that defines your purpose for the meeting, like whether to inform, seek information, or come to a decision. This will help guide the conversation and assist your chairperson to control the pace of the discussion. Include a maximum time limit for each speaker and topic in order to keep the discussion moving.

Schedule the meeting for an time that is convenient for all participants. This will allow participants to be able to participate in the meeting, and ensure that a quorum is present, which is required to ensure democracy and voting. Moreover, it’s important to consider the time zones of all attendees and provide them with proper tools to ensure a smooth discussion.

Hire a staff member to be a timekeeper who will monitor the length of each discussion and ensure that the scheduled meeting times are followed. This will improve accountability of board members and help maintain efficiency. It’s also recommended to ask members and directors to wear formal attire for the meeting to keep away from distracting lighting or clothing that could be a problem when recorded.

Encourage or even require all attendees to use video during meetings to increase the level of engagement. This will also enable them to observe the body language of their fellow attendees. This can also aid in establishing trust and creating an atmosphere of cooperation.

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